As January comes to a close, it’s time to review what you have done over the past month to promote your business to your target demographic. Have you begun to follow through with your plan? Do you have a plan?
Have You Established an Advertising Budget?
This is a tough one for many small-to-medium sized businesses and it’s especially difficult for sole proprietors who wrestle with the dilemma, “Do I set aside a few thousand dollars this year to get my message out to my target demographic and bring in new business or do I rely on the patronage of my current clients/customers and use the money to go on vacation?”
If this sounds familiar, consider this: when you commit to an advertising budget, you commit to investing in the future of your business. Consider too the hard lesson learned by Royal Crown who, many years ago, decided to relax their advertising efforts allowing Coke and Pepsi to defeat them in the cola wars. When’s the last time you heard someone order a Rum & Crown?
Have You Adjusted Your Advertising Strategy to a Changing Market?
Advertising guru, David Ogilvy believed that if what you’re doing to generate business is working for you, you should keep doing it until it no longer works for you—then, try something different. Are you doing the same thing you did last year? Is it working just as well for you this year? If not, it might be time to reformulate your message and refocus your efforts.
Let’s Get Together!
We know what it’s like working within tight advertising budgets to give our clients the most bang for their advertising bucks. Is it Social Media? TV and Radio? Direct Mail? Email Marketing? A combination of things? Or, is it something you haven’t thought of yet?
Let’s sit down together and discuss which strategy or strategies will be the most effective in reaching your target demographic and generating more business for you in 2014.
Call Us Today at 716-444-5366 to Schedule a Meeting!