Over the years, we’ve created lots of Trifold Brochures for our clients. We’ve designed them as mailers, product sheets, order forms, recruitment flyers, donation letters, menus, general services brochures—you name it! And, regardless of each brochure’s specific purpose or subject matter, one thing is certain: People like Trifold Brochures. Even in our modern Internet Age where much of a company’s marketing presence, at its most basic level, exists merely as a series of digital ones and zeros, the Trifold Brochure remains an effective marketing tool. There’s just something to be said for being able to hold a marketing piece in your hands—it makes even a virtual product or business seem more tangible.
So you’ve got a fresh box of Trifold Brochures sitting on your desk and you’re wondering what to do with them.
Here are 5 good ideas that come to mind:
1). Answer RFIs
Sending out your business’s General Services Trifold Brochure is the quick and professional way to respond to requests for information. Let’s say you cold call a prospect and they give you the old “brush off” by asking you to send them some literature. Instead of asking them to visit your website (which you know they won’t), mail them a couple of copies of your Trifold Brochure. Or, if you really don’t want to take the time, you can simply email them your Trifold as a PDF.
2). Put ‘em On Display
Have you ever met someone at a Buffalo or WNY networking event who handed you more than one business card and told you, “My business cards will do a lot more for my business in your hands than in mine?” Well … you get the idea. You need to circulate your marketing pieces. One way is to put your Trifold Brochures on display in a colleague’s waiting room or office—allowing you to target a captive audience. After all, they won’t do a whole lot of good sitting in a box on your own desk.
3). Mail ‘em Out
Trifold Brochures make the perfect mailers! For mass mailings, your Trifold can be designed with an “address side,” printed with indicia/variable data, and held closed with wafer seals. Or, for better results, try mailing out your brochures in hand-addressed envelopes.
4). Leave ‘em Behind
No salesperson worth his or her salt (people still use this expression … right?) would ever exit a sales meeting without leaving the prospect with some form of product literature—the “Leave Behind.” It’s important to give your prospects something they can use as a quick reference should they decide to contact you, visit your website, review product/service information, or refer you to a colleague. In your absence, the Trifold Brochure becomes a visual aide the prospect can use while mulling over your proposal.
5). Bring ‘em to Your Group
If you’re part of the Buffalo business community, you’ve probably visited or belonged to at least one Western New York business networking group. Believe it or not, one of the biggest obstacles you’ll face at these groups is getting others to understand what you do well enough for them to be able to find and qualify good referrals for you. Distributing your general services brochure to your Buffalo networking group eliminates the guesswork and makes it easier for your fellow members to find new business for you.
Need a Trifold Brochure for Your Business?
Schedule a Meeting with Boye Creative Group to Get Started!
Call Today: 716.444.5366