Trade shows are great for generating buzz around your company and picking up new customers, but what if your key prospects forget to stop by your booth—or even worse—what if they don’t even know you’ll be at the trade show? This is where your trade show strategy comes into play.
Send Out Invitations
The smart companies invest a little time and money in putting together a Trade Show Invitation a few weeks before the event. This can be in the form of a stand-alone Postcard or a more traditional Panel Card mailed out in an Envelope to your clients and prospects—inviting them to the event, letting them know where they can find you on the show floor, and giving them a reason to find you.
Give Them a Reason
When you’re manning a trade show booth, it helps to have something dynamic to attract the attention of passersby, but if you want to inspire your prospects to seek you out and to do so actively and with a purpose—passing all the really cool displays in the process?
Try This:
1). Set up a Splash Page on your website.
2). Use the Trade Show Invitation to direct your Prospects to your Splash Page.
3). On the Splash Page, have a Sign-Up/Gift Form and offer a choice of two different Promotional Gifts branded for your company. They can be two different T-Shirt Designs, two different Travel Mugs, or some other promotional items—so long as they’re not something everybody else at the show will get just for stumbling upon your booth.
4). Send those who register an email before the event—reminding them that their chosen item will be waiting for them at your booth.
Be Ready for Them
When your guests arrive at your trade show booth, be ready to greet them and thank them for taking the time to stop by. Be sure to have Sales Literature like Product Sheets and Brochures on hand to help you deliver your message. You may even want to invest in a Trade Show Video. A well-though-out and executed Trade Show Video can do most of the heavy lifting for you—delivering your distilled message quickly and with flair. They’re also great at attracting the attention of passersby!
Need Some Help?
We can create everything you need to make your next trade show appearance a success.
- Postcards & Invitations
- Brochures, Product Sheets, & Signage
- T-Shirts & Promotional Items
- Trade Show Videos
- Commercials & Jingles
- Websites & Splash Pages
- Email Blasts
Get Started Today: 716.444.5366
Photo Contributors: renjith krishnan,