5). Go Ice skating at Hoyt Lake in Delaware Park
This Friday’s Buffalo weather forecast is calling for below-freezing temperatures so ice skating may still be an option for any lovers willing to brave the cold for a fun outdoor activity. Afterward, you can warm up with a cup of hot coco at any number of hip Elmwood Village eateries. Although, come to think of it, that photo was taken in the first part of the 20th century so we’re really not sure if ice skating would be completely legal nowadays.

4). Have a Romantic Dinner
There are plenty of great restaurants offering Valentine’s Day dinner specials in Buffalo, NY. Try some of the trendier spots in downtown Buffalo like Papaya or Chocolate Bar. If money is an issue, Pano’s on Elmwood has its usual Dinner for Two and a Bottle of Wine for $29.99. Or, if you’re in the mood to cut-a-rug, Kleinhan’s Music Hall is putting on its annual Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance.

3). Go to the Movies!
This is usually seen as a good idea, but considering the fact that the most romantic movie currently playing is Vampire Academy, you might be better off just staying home and watching something on Netflix. Then again, there’s always RoboCop!

2). Demonstrate Your Love
Use your imagination 😉

1). Stalk Your Ex on Facebook
This is a great solo activity for the long-unloved or recently separated. Look up your old flame(s) in the hopes that they haven’t aged as well as you. Or, maybe they have recently updated their Facebook status to “Single” and you can swoop in using a clever pickup line and a dated profile pic of a younger, thinner you. Just saddle up to your computer with a pint of Häagen-Dazs and a bottle of your favorite reality softener and have at it. Like!