Fear of Success: “What If I Get Too Much Business?”
Really? Is this actually a problem? If you invest your time and money in putting together a strong advertising campaign only to pull back at the last moment, you’ll accomplish nothing. How do doctors and lawyers handle an overflow of clients? They refer them to their colleagues. How does Barnes & Noble deal with too many requests for the same book? They put the book on back order. Remember: too much business is a good problem to have.
Always Stay in The Boat! –Unless It’s Sinking.
Advertising guru, David Ogilvy believed that if what you’re doing works, you should keep doing it until it no longer works—then (and only then), should you do something different. The only problem is that you have to give your advertising enough time to gain traction. Set a budget you can live with and then give your campaign a chance to work.
Consistency is the Key!
Staying Top-of-Mind with your target demographic means maintaining your advertising presence (whatever it may be). RC Cola learned this lesson the hard way many years ago when they assumed that having the majority of the market share meant not having to advertise. As a result, they fell so low in the public consciousness that most young people today don’t even know what RC stands for. Not to mention, when was the last time you went out to a bar and heard somebody order a “Rum & Crown?”
‘Nuff Said
That’s all for now, go off and enjoy the rest of your day …
We hope you have a safe and happy Independence Day! Just kick back, have a hotdog, watch the fireworks, and enjoy a couple of Rum & Crowns!